986 Drain tank
- To ensure cleanness of the piping in circuits measuring flow of stem, condensate, water and other fluids;
- As a special design with cleanness of internal surfaces of grade I pursuant to TPE 10-40/1926/85 (code PC1)
Drain tank is a single-chamber tank, which consists of a jacket closed from both sides with welded bottoms with an internal countersinking. The bottoms include terminals for medium outlet and for drain tanks. In the upper part of the jacket of the tank, a terminal for the inlet of the impulse piping is welded. To close the terminal for drain tank, a suitable stainless valve - type 967 or ball valve - type 971 or 972 – can be used pursuant to the temperature of the operation medium. Special design of the drain tank ensures that impurities of the operation medium are deposited in the bottom part of the tank and such impurities can be easily drained off anytime.
Appendices to download
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- 1) Product manual 986 (PDF 0.3 MB)