11221 Resistance temperature sensor with heat sink PN 10 with cable outlet, Try resistance temperature sensor with cable outlet
Sensor with thermowell
- for remote measurement of temperature of steady and flowing liquids (gases and fluids), for which the properties of the thermowell of the sensor are suitable, up to nominal pressure PN 10, especially in the pipelines of small inner diameters or in places with lacking space
Surface sensor
- for measurement of temperature of the surface of warm water and other pipelines and other similar applications, e.g. for food packaging machines
Sensors can be used
- For the environment, where mechanical resistance is required pursuant to EN 60068-2-6 (class AH2) and seismic capability of the electrical equipment of the safety system of the nuclear power stations pursuant to IEC 980 (MVZ level SL-2)
Appendices to download
Click on the title of an appendix to download it
- 1) Product manual 11221 (PDF 0.2 MB)